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Attitudes and Beliefs

As a multicultural counselor, it is critical that you develop self-awareness of the attitudes, beliefs, and biases that encompass your worldview.

  • Key questions to ask about your attitudes and beliefs

    • What is your worldview?

    • What makes up your identity?

    • What is bias? 

  • Why do privilege and marginalization matter to counselors?  How can you build more awareness?

    • What is a multi-cultural counselor? (Video)

    • Why did multicultural counseling come about? (Video)

    • What is Privilege - Emannuel Acho (Video) 

  • Are you aware of your own bias and how it may impact your clients?

    • Implicit Bias for Healthcare Professionals (Link)

    • Implicit Bias: Interrupting the stories that prevent us from delivering optimal care (Link)

    • Cultural Competency Behavioral Health Treatment (Link)

    • The End of Bias: A Beginning - Jessica Nordell (Link)

  • Identify, explore, and acknowledge your beliefs and biases toward other people as a critical step in becoming a multicultural counselor

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